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Satisfy Your Cravings with the Beefsteak Burger

a sandwich sitting on top of a table

The Beefsteak Burger is a veggie delight that defies expectations. The beefsteak tomato patty is a true culinary marvel, offering a juicy and savory experience that satisfies even the heartiest of burger cravings. It proves that a burger doesn't need meat to be utterly delicious.

What's Inside?

Beefsteak Tomato Patty: A juicy and savory tomato patty serves as the star of this burger, providing a satisfying bite that rivals traditional meat patties.

Mixed Greens: Fresh and crisp mixed greens add a burst of color and a refreshing contrast to the savory patty.

Pickled Red Onions: Tangy and marinated, these red onions provide a zesty and flavorful kick that elevates the overall taste.

Vegan Herb Caper Mayo: Creamy and herb-infused, the vegan mayo offers a luscious and flavorful condiment that complements the patty perfectly.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A drizzle of high-quality olive oil adds richness and depth to every bite, enhancing the overall taste experience.

Sea Salt: A pinch of sea salt brings out the natural flavors of the ingredients, providing a perfect balance of savory and salty.

Olive Oil Brioche Bun: The burger is nestled in a soft and savory olive oil brioche bun, adding a touch of comfort to the dish.